What To Do After a Fire in Your Home

Fire Damage – A fire will destroy everything they can, no matter what it is and how much it cost to purchase. Your skilled Paul Davis team can completely assess the full extent of your fire damage, repair your home, and clean up or replace your personal belongings. Fire damage is usually accompanied by water used by firefighting crews. We will also clean up this water and treat those rooms for mold. Our goal is to get any property back to normal quickly following fire damage.

Smoke Damage – While the damage caused by the flames might be more well known, it's not the only kind of damage related to a fire. Smoke is able to find its way into many areas in a structure and wreak havoc in various forms. We're able to find any affected area, remove odors, and sanitize the affected areas. If smoke damage occurs in your home, the most important decision you can make is trusting the team at Paul Davis Restoration.

Why Paul Davis? At Paul Davis, we are committed to helping you restore your home from the fire and smoke damage you've experienced to the way it was previously. All of our team members are trained to provide the highest standard of service every time we respond to an emergency. Learn more about professional fire damage restoration reno nv by contacting us today!