What To Do After a House Fire

Fire Damage – A fire will destroy all in their path, regardless of the value of the item. From contents cleaning to restoring structural damage, your local Paul Davis can provide the fire damage restoration services you need to recover from something like this. Fire damage is normally accompanied by water used by firefighters. We will also clean up this water and treat those rooms for mold. We strive to get a property to its previous condition fast, no matter the extent of your fire damage.

Smoke Damage – Property damage following a fire won't be restricted to what is done by the flames. Damage from smoke can appear in nearly any area of your home. We'll determine where smoke damage exists, eliminate odors, and sanitize the air. If your property has been hit by smoke, the most important choice you can make is trusting the team at Paul Davis Restoration.

Why Paul Davis Restoration? We have the necessary equipment to help get your home back together after fire or smoke damage. Our team is trained to provide high-quality, professional service whenever we respond to an emergency. Please call us now to find out more about fire damage restoration services Franklin MA and how we can help you put your life back together after a devastating house fire.