Six Easy Steps to a Productive Day Care Experience

One of the toughest moments that a parent must endure is taking a young child to a day care facility. Placing a child under the supervision of another will lead to concern and doubt. But there are a few things that you can try to improve this process, both before and after you make your selection of child care Park City Utah.

Before Your Decision

  • Arrange a Visit: Some day care facilities provide a clean, fun environment for kids, while others are in dire need of an update. Eliminate any surprises in the future by setting up a visit and speaking with the staff members.
  • Verify Accreditation: Make sure that your day care provider is keeping up with the latest standards. Look for the seal of approval by the the National Accreditation Commission for Early Care and Education Programs (NAC), the National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA), or the National Association of Young Children (NAEYC).
  • Check Adult-to-Child Ratio: A critical part of running a successful day care center is not enrolling too many children for each member of the staff. A ratio of one adult for every ten children is fine for four-year-olds, but the ratio should be decreased to 1:4 with infants.

After Your Decision

  • Schedule Meetings: Meet regularly with the day care center staff. This will supply a chance to ask questions about your child's behavior, what they are learning, and what is happening at the facility.
  • Volunteer: Volunteer opportunities can be found at day care facilities. This doesn't just pertain to watching children. There is also a need for parents to come on the weekend to clean or repair the facility.
  • Don't Be Afraid to Make a Change: Don't be afraid to select a new facility if something doesn't feel right to you. You cannot allow an awkward conversation to put the well-being of your child at risk.